The Community Donation Center® at the Savers® thrift store in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, is the perfect place to donate clothes and other household items to our store’s local nonprofit partner, Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota. Located near the intersection of Highway 10 and University Avenue, our secondhand store is a one-stop shop to drop off your donations and Declutter ResponsiblyTM.
Savers® is committed to giving reusable items a second chance at life while helping save millions of pounds of clothing and household goods from landfills every year. Each time you donate items to Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota at our store, we pay them for your stuff, providing revenue to help them fund important programs in your community.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Community Donation Center - Coon Rapids Savers® thrift store. Learn more about the Savers® family of thrift stores, our impact, and the #ThriftProud movement at
Here’s how it works.
Backpacks & purses
Bed & bath
Clothing & shoes
Exercise & sporting goods
Books & media
Games & toys
Small appliances
Small furniture
TVI, Inc. dba Savers / Unique Thrift, is a for-profit professional fundraiser soliciting donations on behalf of Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota, of St Paul, Minnesota, whose mission is to empower Minnesota veterans and their families to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. For items you donate at our Community Donation Center, Savers pays Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota 5.3 cents per pound of clothing and other soft goods, 3.5 cents per pound of miscellaneous household goods, 2.0 cents per pound of books, and 2.0 cents per item of furniture and other large items. For further information, please ask a team member or contact 425-462-1515.